Tuesday, June 23, 2009

A tragic day with a happy ending

Once I got the news that Smokey was at the ER Vets office I moped around all day... I cried and sat around, not wanting to think that Smokey could die. Apparently he had eaten rat poisoning, that silly little dog. Then I jumped on his blog just to see his face and saw that he survived! I jumped for joy and was so happy that I gave my sister a big kiss on the cheek.

What a wonderful day for a happy ending. I talked to Smokey all night and I thank The Dog (The God) that Smokey was able to survive.

Believe it or not but even the ducks were happy! They stomped around in the mud and were quacking and flapping their wings! We were all so happy for the news that Smokey was okay.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

A visitor

I am finally back from my camping trip. Hoo-ray!

When I got back we unpacked and got all situated.

There I was, sitting on my chair with my dinosaur friend, and

about an hour or so later, someone was knocking

on the door. It was a loud knock, and I being so small

was of course very frightened. I was very suprised to

see my friend Scruffy (also a dog) from my neighborhood!!

We played all day. What a nice way to celebrate the sun.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

A disperse

As you all may know my momma is going to camp all week. I decided I am going to go with her and that is final. Well that means no more tweets, and no more blog posts for me Monday-Friday.
I shall miss you all.
Doggy Kisses,
Lilly. U'.'U

Friday, June 12, 2009

Waiting out the Storm

There I was, spending some time with Ginger inside because it was raining... again. And I couldn't take it anymore! I had to go for a walk. So I went and retrieved my rain coat, and set it at momma's feet. She put it on me and we were just about to go outside, when it started thundering! So I ran to the basement, and sat there. Waiting out the storm.

Momma got a picture

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Stuck in a Bag

After crawling into my momma's bag, I couldn't get out! Momma saved me... right after she took a picture.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Tissue Trouble

I was quite bored tonight, and I wanted to create some mischief. I snuck up behind my momma, and stole the tissue box by her desk! I ran until she couldn't see me and I tore up the box! Momma caught me, but I ran off before she could take photo evidence that I was the one who did it. I'm going to blame Ginger.